The Little Lake Sunapee Protective Association is proud of its history of protecting the quality of the waters and sensitive shore lands of Little Lake Sunapee and its watershed. We partner with state and local organizations who share our mission to preserve our beautiful lake and all NH lakes for the current and future enjoyment of all who use it.
Lake Host Program
Among the many threats to the health and quality of our lake and its watershed are non-native aquatic plants and animals being introduced into the lake. To combat this threat Little Lake Sunapee Protective Association actively participates in the Lake Host Program, a NH Lakes education and prevention program that has been in existence for over twenty years.
From May to September volunteer and paid lake hosts, supported by the Town of New London, NH Lakes and member contributions, examine all water craft at the boat ramp for invasive aquatic plants and animals that may be “hitchhiking” on boats and trailers. Our lake hosts not only identify suspicious species on water craft being launched into our lake, but also promote awareness of the importance of the NH Lakes’ Clean, Drain, Dry method in preventing invasions of unwanted species that would degrade our lake and downstream waters.

This program is a vital part of our efforts to defend against potential invasion of non-native plants and animal species into Little Lake Sunapee, and thus far we have been successful.
In protecting the lake and its watershed from invasive species infestation, the program helps to preserve the health and beauty of our lake and its watershed as well as to protect property values on and near the lake, while promoting environmentally responsible recreational use of the lakes by town residents and visitors.
If you are interested in being a volunteer or paid Lake Host, please visit our Contact page.

Tom Rubin, one of our dedicated Lake Host volunteers, runs through a watercraft checklist as a boater gets ready to enjoy an afternoon on the lake.
Since 2002, New Hampshire Lake Hosts have conducted over one-million courtesy boat inspections and have made nearly 1,600 “saves” of invasive species which had just hitchhiked out of a lake or were about to be launched into a lake.
Water Quality Program
Little Lake Sunapee Protective Association, in collaboration with Colby Sawyer College, has been monitoring the quality of our lake water for decades. Throughout the year several dedicated volunteers conduct monthly sampling and measurement of the water at the inlets of three main water sources as well as twenty-five culverts around the lake.
Weed Watcher Program
Little Lake Sunapee Protective Association also participates in the NH DES Weed Watcher Program. The goal is early identification of invasive plant or animal species in the lake and implementation of our Emergency Response Plan if needed. A group of volunteers monitor the shoreline during the summer months. Photos and samples of suspicious plants or animals are sent to NH DES for positive identification.
In the event of an invasive species are found, we have an Invasive Response Plan of Action in place to mitigate extensive and long term damage to our lake’s ecosystem. Through your membership dues and contributions we have funds set aside for such an event.
For more information about the threat of invasive species and what you can do to prevent it, please click on the following link.