History… Geology… and Unparalleled Beauty of Landscape
Photo courtesy of Peter Bloch
Notice of Annual Meeting – Saturday July 19, 2025
Members and Friends
Are invited to attend the Annual Meeting
New London Historical Society
Phillips Barn
A social hour for members and friends will follow the meeting. Kindly bring a finger appetizer to share. Beverages provided.

2024 Annual Meeting: We celebrated the 54th Anniversary of
The Little Lake Sunapee Protective Association

On July 20, 2024 The Little Lake Sunapee Protective Association held its 54th anniversary celebration and annual meeting in the Phillips Barn at the New London Historical Society.
Thanks to all who were there. We had an excellent turn out of 100 attendees! We’d like to extend a special thank you to Elizabeth Harper, Executive Director of The LSPA, for sharing information on the top issues facing the Lake Sunapee Watershed and what we can do to help maintain the beauty and quality of our lake.
Many volunteers were recognized including those on the Invasive Watch, Water Quality and Bucklin Beach Rain Garden teams, our dedicated Lake Hosts and our Board of Directors. If you are interested in joining the ranks of our volunteers or becoming a member, just click on the “Join Us” tab.

Being a Smarter Salter
Snowstorms prompt us to apply salt to outdoor surfaces. During the winter months, by gradually reducing the amount of salt you apply, you will be lowering the adverse impact it has on the lake we all love.
Please think about decreasing the use of salt, and even consider deploying the alternative practices outlined below.
The amount of salt distributed all around us is significant and collectively in amounts that place the current and future quality of our watershed in jeopardy. Our individual and collective efforts can help to turn the tide and ensure the vitality of our lake for the future.
Thank you for considering and exploring alternatives to salting.

During the winter, the lake may look to be completely frozen after a few weeks of freezing and thawing. BUT – ALWAYS be sure it is safe to support the weight that you and your party bring to the ice.

Harmful Algal Blooms
Article from the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services on harmful algal blooms available at the following link, https://www.des.nh.gov/water/healthy-swimming/harmful-algal-blooms
Best Practices Using Bubblers and Dock De-Icers on the Lake
During the winter months, the safety of all who recreate on the ice is our highest priority. If you need a bubbler to protect your dock or boat house, please heed the information and advice in the link below. If used incorrectly, these devices may cause the ice to thin out and create a hazardous set of circumstances for those who may be out there for activity and enjoyment. Thank you to LSPA for this article.